Roth X-PERT S5®

Roth X-PERT S5® meets all the requirements for an underfloor heating pipe. The pipe is flexible and easy to work with, especially in cold temperatures. The pipe is supplied in the dimensions 10.5 – 16 and 20 mm, and fits all of the Roth underfloor heating systems and relevant fittings.

X-PERT S5® is a 5-layer pipe, includes a co-extruded oxygen diffusion barrier to protect the system from the entry of oxygen.

Production is carried out at the company’s own German factories, and is quality-assured in accordance with ISO 9001.

The Roth X-PERT S5® pipe has many advantages:

  • Longevity
  • High level of heat stability, permissible operating temperature up to 70°C (95°C in the short term) at an operating pressure of 6 bar.
  • Withstands "construction-site treatment"
  • The oxygen oxygen diffusion barrier is located within the pipe wall
  • Great flexibility that makes it easy to work with, including in cold conditions
  • Diffusion-resistant in accordance with DIN 4726



Physical properties of X-PERT S5® pipes

 10,5 mm16 mm20 mm
Heat-conduction capacity W/m K0,350,350,35
Longitudinal coefficient of expansion1.95 x 10-41,95 x 10-41,95 x 10-4
Minimum bend radius5 x dia.5 x dia.5 x dia.
Pipe roughness, mm0,0070,0070,007
Number of layers in pipe wall555
Max. operating temperature, °C707070
Max. short-term temperature, °C959595
Max. operating pressure, bar666
Weight, Kg/m0,040,040,04
Water content L/m0,050,11


Possible delivery lengths:     
70 metres X                  
90 metres X            
120 metres     X           
200 metresX              X          
240 metres  X       
600 metres  X      
650 metres X       


Roth X-PERT S5® 10,5 mm, 70 m70 m7087207210
Roth X-PERT S5® 10,5 mm, 200 m200 m7087207230
Roth X-PERT S5® 14 mm, 240 m240 m1115009062
Roth X-PERT S5® 16 mm, 90 m90 m7087207216
Roth X-PERT S5® 16 mm, 200 m200 m7087207235
Roth X-PERT S5® 16 mm, 650 m650 m7087207237
Roth X-PERT S5® 20 mm, 120 m120 m7087207220
Roth X-PERT S5® 20 mm, 240 m240 m7087207240
Roth X-PERT S5® 20 mm, 600 m600 m7087207249


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RHS Bridgewater Manchester

Roth UK as part af the largest garden project in Europe helped transform the historic grounds of Worsley New Hall into an inspirring site for all to enjoy.

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