Prefabricated solutions

Why do it yourself?

Roth prefabricated solutions

Roth provides many different prefabricated solutions that make it rational on the construction site.

Use pre-assembled Roth ThermoUnits for your tasks and get a high uniform quality that meets all requirements incl. DS 452 standard requirements for insulation.

Roth ThermoUnit is built so that mounting on the wall or on shaft brackets becomes simple, while the pipe connections become manageable - also for the user.

Don't have to assemble your closet yourself. Let Roth assemble it and you'll be supplied with a fully assembled cabinet.

The finished Roth ThermoUnits provide a fast and rational workflow on construction sites, so you can complete the tasks. At the same time, it is ensured that in the future there is easy and manageable access to the underfloor heating and distributor installation. You just need to remove the front insulation, then you have unhindered access to the entire distribution arrangement and the front insulation also ensures a nice finish.

When you apply Roth shaft fittings, you get the opportunity to pull all the vertical pipes first and then mount distributes the installation so that you get a rational workflow and nice finish.

A variety of variants
Here we show a small selection of the cabinets we sell the most. But remember that we can produce cabinets that fit your needs perfectly.

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Insulated Roth ThermoUnit with underfloor heating distributor and red goods distribution pipe, as well as pipe connections (Type 30.0)

Used in, for example, multi-storey buildings with mixed central heating water.

Roth ThermoUnit with Shuntunit and red goods distribution pipe (Type 200.0)

Used in e.g. detached houses with unmixed central heating water. Pipe connection is ¾” nipple.

Roth ThermoUnit with Roth ShuntUnit and red goods distribution pipe (Type 40.0)

Used in e.g. storey building with unmixed water. Distributor pipes for cold and hot domestic water are located above the unit itself. With this solution, our shaft fittings can be used to advantage.

Roth ThermoUnit with underfloor heating distribution pipe and red goods distribution pipe (Type 230.0):

Used in e.g. terraced houses and apartments with mixed central heating water. Pipe connection is ¾” nipple. Connection to distributor pipes may be from the right or left side.

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